WebMedia 2009, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil CALL FOR PAPERS The VI Brazilian Workshop on Undergraduate Research aims at creating in Brazil a forum for discussion and presentation of (ongoing) research developed by undergraduate students in areas such as Mutimedia, Hypermedia and the Web. The main goal of the workshop is to promote communication and exchange of experience between students, researchers and practitionersin order to foster the engagement of these students as potential researchers.
Topics of Interest The workshop encourages submissions on the following topics, but not limited to:
- Architectures, services, and applications
- Collaborative services and applications
- Browsers, user interfaces, and presentation engines
- Digital libraries
- Content creation, analysis, storage and distribution
- Digital TV, HDTV and Interactive TV
- Document engineering, including authoring, analyzing, editing and user interface
- Document standards, models, and representation languages
- Document synchronization and temporal aspects
- Internet multimedia services (IPTV, VoIP, etc.)
- Mobile and ubiquitous computing
- Multimedia databases, storage and information retrieval
- Multimedia networking and QoS
- Multimedia operating systems
- Multimedia signal processing and coding
- Peer-to-peer multimedia systems and streaming
- Performance and reliability metrics and evaluation methods
- Security, privacy, and reliability
- Semantic Web
- Web services
- Web engineering
- XML, Metadata, and Web Data
Submission Guidelines The papers can be written in English or Portuguese and should not exceed 03 pages, including all text, references, appendices, and figures. All papers should be submitted electronically using the JEMS system (https://submissoes.sbc.org.br) and must be in Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF). Please, follow the guidelines established by the ACM format, available at http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html.
Important Dates Paper Submission: July 6th, 2009 Paper Acceptance Notification: August 4th, 2009 Camera-Ready Version: August 10th, 2009
Workshop Chair Junia Anacleto (UFSCAR) Program Commitee Junia Coutinho Anacleto LIA/DC/UFSCar <
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> Graça Bressan POLI/USP <
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>, Cesar Marcondes DC/UFSCar <
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>, Wanderley Lopes de Souza DC/UFSCar <
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>, Sergio Roberto da Silva DIN/UEM <
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>, Maria da Graca Pimentel ICMC/USP <
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>, Fernando Osório ICMC/USP <
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>, Lucia Martins Giraffa PUC/RS <
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>, Alessandro Assis Nuance Communications <
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>, Ig Ibert Bittencourt IC/UFAL <
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>, Marcelo Pimenta DIN/UFRGS<
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>, Simone DJ Barbosa DInf/PUCRJ <
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>, Laura Sánches Garcia DINF/UFPR <
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> Ewout Ter Haar IF/USP <
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>, Marcelo Turine DC/UFMS <
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> Maria Cecília Baranauskas IC/UNICAMP <
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> Helena de Medeiros Caseli NILC/DC/UFSCar <
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> Raquel de Oliveira Prates DCC/UFMG <
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> Silvio Cazella DC/UNISINOS <
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> Ednaldo Brigante Pizzolatto DC/UFSCar <
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> Carlos Ferraz Cin/UFPE<
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> Contact Additional information regarding the workshop can be provided by Junia Anacleto at
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Technical Program Technical Session I - (Wednesday, 07/10 - Room Florença II - 14:40h às 16:20h) | - Práticas de Comercialização em Mercados Eletrônicos
Diego Duarte, Adriano Pereira, Wagner Meira, Jr. - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais - Um ambiente para o auxílio na aprendizagem de idiomas
Sávio Carneiro - Instituto Federal do Piauí - Inferência de relações em ConceptNets com base em corpus paralelo alinhado
Laís Meuchi, Helena Caseli, Junia Anacleto - Universidade Federal de São Carlos - Utilizando Bases de Dados LDAP para Suporte a Localização de Usuários e a Perfis Móveis em Comunicações Multimídia em Tempo Real
Fernanda Castelo Branco de Santana, Daniel G. Costa - Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana
| Technical Session II - (Wednesday, 07/10 - Room Florença II - 16:40h às 18:20h) | - Geração semanticamente dirigida e apresentação dinâmica de objetos digitais complexos na Web
Matheus Mota, Nícolas Oliveira, Diego Costa, André Santanchè - UNIFACS - Universidade Salvador Christianne Dalforno - Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona - Uso do Senso Comum no Reforço do Ensino de Palavras que Representam Objetos na Língua Portuguesa
Victor Hugo Boqui Rodrigues dos Santos, Junia Anacleto, Johana Rosas - Universidade Federal de São Carlos - Extração de Senso Comum a partir de perfis públicos em Redes Sociais
Diego Desani da Silva, Junia Anacleto, Johana Rosas - Universidade Federal de São Carlos - Conversão NCL-XMT: Facilitando o Desenvolvimento de Apresentações Multimídia Interativas
Rafael Machado, Rudinei Goularte - Universidade de São Paulo - USP - Medida de Compressibilidade em Imagens
Marcus Vinicius Custodio, Rudinei Goularte - Universidade de São Paulo