WebMedia 2009, Fortaleza, CE, Brazil
The Workshop on Tools and Applications has
been traditionally promoted as an event of WebMedia. This workshop
intends to bring together researchers and practitioners to present
their latest tools and prototypes. All submitted papers will be
peer-reviewed by members of the Tools and Applications Program
Committee. The selected tools/applications will be presented and
demonstrated during the Symposium.
You are cordially invited to submit works
on the topics of interest of WebMedia2009. Papers submitted to the
Workshop on Tools and Applications must be original, and can not be
simultaneously submitted to other conferences or journals, neither
previously published.
The paper acceptance requires that at
least one author will register for the conference in order to present
the work. The paper describing the tool/application should clearly
* the tool/application goal;
* its architecture; and
* its main functions.
Submission Guidelines
The papers describing the tools/applications must be electronically submitted through the JEMS/SBC system ( https://submissoes.sbc.org.br).
It is strongly recommended that authors make the tool/application (or a
suitable version) available for downloading during the paper evaluation
Papers should have up to 3 (three) pages,
including all figures, references and appendices, and must follow the
ACM style (see the template http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html). Papers can be submitted in English or in Portuguese. All papers must be in PDF format.
Program Committee
- Alessandro Garcia, PUC-Rio
- Fabio Costa, UFG
- Fernando Trinta, UNIFOR
- Flavia Delicato, UFRN
- Franklin Ramalho, UFCG
- Gledson Elias, UFPB
- Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville, UFRGS
- Magnos Martinello, UFES
- Maria da Graca Campos Pimentel, USP
- Maria Luiza Machado Campos, UFRJ
- Marta Mattoso, COPPE/UFRJ
- Martin Musicante, UFRN
- Paulo Pires, UFRN
- Roberta Coelho, UFRN
- Rogerio Rodrigues, Fast Search / PUC-Rio
- Thais Vasconcelos Batista, UFRN
- Uirá Kulesza, UFRN
Important Dates
- Deadline for paper submission: July 6th, 2009
- Notification: August 7th, 2009
- Final version: August 10th, 2009
Should you have any questions or concerns about this
workshop, please contact the workshop chair Paulo Pires (paulo.pires
[at] dimap.ufrn.br.)
Technical Program
Technical Session I -
(Monday, 05/10 - Room 101 - 13:00h às 14:40h)
- Especificação de Composições de Serviços com a Ferramenta WebFlow-AH
Reginaldo Mendes (DIMAP/UFRN)
Frederico Lopes (DIMAP/UFRN)
Jeferson Queiroga (DIMAP/UFRN)
Paulo F. Pires (DIMAP/UFRN)
Flávia C. Delicato (DIMAP/UFRN)
Thaís Batista (DIMAP/UFRN)
- SIPLearner: Uma Ferramenta VoIP SIP para Suporte ao Ensino das Comunicações Multimídia em Tempo Real
Fernanda Castelo Branco (UEFS - Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana)
Daniel G. Costa (UEFS - Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana)
- Arthron: Uma Ferramenta para Performances Artístico-Midiáticas Distribuídas
Erick Augusto G. de Melo (LAVID/UFPB)
Alexander de A. Pinto (LAVID/UFPB)
Julio César Silva (LAVID/UFPB)
Rennan Nunes Toscano (LAVID/UFPB)
Tatiana Aires Tavares (LAVID/UFPB)
Guido Lemos de Souza (LAVID/UFPB)
Technical Session II -
(Monday, 05/10 - Room 101 - 14:40h às 16:20h)
- MMVCASE: Extensão da ferramenta MVCASE para suporte ao desenvolvimento de aplicações móveis
Eduardo Felipe Zambom Santana (UFSCar - Universidade Federal de São Carlos)
Antonio Francisco do Prado(UFSCar - Universidade Federal de São Carlos)
Wanderley Lopes de Souza (UFSCar - Universidade Federal de São Carlos)
- Uma Aplicação NCL/Lua para Navegação em Vídeo via Quadros Recentes
Diogo de C. Pedrosa (ICMC - USP)
Didier A. Vega (ICMC - USP)
Maria da Graça Pimentel (ICMC - USP)
Rudinei Goularte (ICMC - USP)
- GEDi: Gestor Eletrônico de Documentos e informações
Leonardo P. S. Mussi (Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná/ForLogic Software Ltda)
Stephane H. Takemiya (Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná/ForLogic Software Ltda)
Luciano T. E. Pansanato (ForLogic Software Ltda)
Rogério S. Pozza (ForLogic Software Ltda)
Pedro H. Z. Yasui (Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná)
Wellington A. Della Mura (Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná)
Jeison A. De Bastiani (Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná)