CEIHC > Events > HCIs > IHC 2021

General Information

General Coordination: Ingrid Monteiro (UFC), Kamila Rios Rodrigues (USP) & Ticianne Darin (UFC)

Program Coordination: André Freire (UFLA) & Marcelle Mota (UFPA)

Date: Online, 18 to 22 October 2021

Website: http://ihc.sbc.org.br/2021

Keynote Speakers: to be announced

Proceedings: https://dl.acm.org/doi/proceedings/10.1145/3424953

Full Papers

  1. Affecting User’s Self-esteem: Analysis under the Self-determination Theory Perspective and Design Recommendations
    Luã Marcelo Muriana (UNICAMP), Maria Cecilia Baranauskas (UNICAMP)
  2. Analysis and convergence of studies on recommendations for digital memorials
    Gustavo Ueda (UFMT), Cristiano Maciel (UFMT)
  3. Analysis of the User Experience with a Multiperspective Tool for Explainable Machine Learning in Light of Interactive Principles
    Bárbara Lopes (UFMG), Liziane Soares (UFV), Raquel Prates (UFMG), Marcos Gonçalves (UFMG)
  4. Analytical Model for Classifying Areas of Interest in Interactive Systems
    Danilo Lima (UFPA), Rodrigo Zacarias (UNIRIO), Kennedy Souza (UFPA), Rodrigo Santos (UNIRIO), Marcos Seruffo (UFPA)
  5. Analyzing MoLIC’s Applicability to Model the interaction of Conversational Agents: A case study on ANA Chatbot
    Ulisses Fernandes (PUC Minas), Raquel Prates (UFMG), Bruno Chagas (UFMG), Glívia Barbosa (CEFET-MG)
  6. Analyzing the Presentation of Multilingual User Reviews in Accommodation Websites
    Diego Moreira da Rosa (IFRS), Natanael Kuniechik (PUCRS), Soraia Musse (PUCRS), Milene Silveira (PUCRS)
  7. Applying Usability Heuristics in the Context of Labeling Systems
    Lucas Viana (UFAM), Leticia Passos (UFAM), Edson Oliveira (SEFAZ/AM), Tayana Conte (UFAM)
  8. Beyond Barriers: A Practical Analysis of the SIM-SR Method to Inspect the Communicability of Interactive Systems for Visually Impaired Users
    Lucas Carvalho (UFMG), Mariana Santos (UFMG), Joana Gabriela Souza (UFMG), Raquel Prates (UFMG), André Freire (UFLA)
  9. Building an IoT programming environment with and for preschool children
    Benedito Silva Neto (UFSCar), Carla Rodriguez (UFABC), Vania Almeida Neris (UFSCar)
  10. Challenges of interaction design for counter-hegemonic contexts: highlighting and overcoming contradictions for social transformation
    Flavia Peres (UFRPE), Dyego Morais (UFPE)
  11. Children’s Participation in the Design of Digital Artifacts: Theoretical and Methodological Considerations
    Dyego Morais (UFPE), Taciana Pontual Falcão (UFRPE), Patrícia Tedesco (UFPE)
  12. Communication and Personality: how COVID-19 government chatbots express themselves
    Diogo Melo (UFC), Ingrid Monteiro (UFC)
  13. Conflicts in Metacommunication Messages in Alternating User and Designer Roles: A Dialectical Perspective
    Ila Muniz (UFBA), Ecivaldo Matos (UFBA)
  14. Creation of Personas by End Users in Alcohol and Drugs Abuse Rehabilitation
    Paula Souza (UFSCar), Vania Almeida Neris (UFSCar), Fernando Proença (Libertas Faculdades Integradas), Franco Eusébio Garcia (UFSCar)
  15. Dark Patterns: Towards a Sociotechnical Approach
    Luiz Baroni (UFPR), Alisson Puska (UFPR), Luciana Salgado (UFF), Roberto Pereira (UFPR)
  16. Developing a Set of Design Patterns Specific for the Design of User Interfaces for Autistic Users
    Dayanne Gomes (UFMA), Nathasha Pinto (UFMA), Aurea Melo (UEA), Ivana Márcia Maia (IFMA), Anselmo Cardoso de Paiva (UFMA), Raimundo Barreto (UFAM), Davi Viana (UFMA), Luis Rivero (UFMA)
  17. Emotional Responses to Font Types and Sizes in Web Pages
    Renata Bianchi (UFSCar), Kamila Rodrigues (ICMC-USP), Vania Almeida Neris (UFSCar)
  18. Enabling the use of photography equipment to people with upper limb disabilities: a participatory design case study of a prototype wearable assistive technology
    Ricardo Souza (UFOP), Saul Delabrida (UFOP), Cintia Rita Soares de Freitas (UFOP), Andre Freire (UFLA)
  19. End-User Highlighted: featuring tailorable systems development
    Claiton Correa (Instituto Federal Farroupilha), Milene Silveira (PUC-RS)
  20. Ethics: What is the Research Scenario in Brazilian Symposium IHC?
    Luiz Paulo Carvalho (UFRJ), José Suzano (UFRJ), Roberto Pereira (UFPR), Flavia Maria Santoro (UERJ), Jonice Oliveira (UFRJ)
  21. Evaluating visual analytics for text information retrieval
    Sherlon da Silva (ICMC-USP), Maria Cristina Ferreira de Oliveira (ICMC-USP), Evangelos Milios (Dalhousie University – Canada)
  22. Evaluation of Assistive Technologies from the perspective of Usability, User Experience and Accessibility: a Systematic Mapping Study
    Tatiany Xavier de Godoi (UFPR), Guilherme Guerino (UEM), Natasha Valentim (UFPR)
  23. Extending Interaction to Human-Computer Integration: What do we already know and what do we need to explore?
    Glívia Barbosa (CEFET- MG), Raquel Prates (UFMG), Ulisses Fernandes (PUC Minas), Natália Santos (UFMG)
  24. Flying colors: Using color blindness simulations in the development of accessible mobile games
    Mateus Carneiro (UFC), Windson Viana (UFC), Rossana Andrade (UFC), Ticianne Darin (UFC)
  25. From now on: experiences from user-based research in remote settings
    Claiton Correa (Instituto Federal Farroupilha), Gabriel Freitas (PUCRS), Andre Eberhardt (PUCRS), Milene Silveira (PUCRS)
  26. GamifiCHI: thematized badges for HCI courses
    Roberto Pereira (UFPR), Kamila Rodrigues (ICMC-USP), Milene Silveira (PUC-RS)
  27. Gaze Interaction and People with Computer Anxiety: Paving the Way to User Interface Simplification
    Thiago dos Santos (UFABC), Vagner Santana (IBM Research – Brazil)
  28. Gesture-based Interaction Systems in Hospital Critical Environment: Challenges and Recommendations for Gesture Creation
    Karina Kimura (UEM), Karoline Romero (UEM), Guilherme Guerino (UEM), Heloise Manica Paris Teixeira (UEM)
  29. I have a Twitter profile- what do I want to happen to it if I die?
    Nicole Santos (UTFPR), Silvia Amelia Bim (UTFPR), Cristiano Maciel (UFMT)
  30. Image Descriptions’ Limitations for People with Visual Impairments: Where Are We and Where Are We Going?
    Alessandra Jandrey (PUC-RS), Duncan Ruiz (PUC-RS), Milene Silveira (PUC-RS)
  31. Interactive Emergency TeleHealth Systems in Pandemic Times: a Usability Evaluation in the Interior of Brazil
    Bruna Capeleti (UFLA), Gustavo Dominguete (UFLA), Marluce Rodrigues Pereira (UFLA), Andre Freire (UFLA)
  32. Interactive protocol for acquisition of migraine diaries with a mobile app and machine learning data analysis
    Tatiane Alves (ICMC-USP), Kamila Rodrigues (ICMC-USP), Moacir Ponti (ICMC-USP)
  33. Jungle party – a game about loss and grief
    Aline Verhalen (UFMT), Vinicius Pereira (UFMT), Silvia Amelia Bim (UTFPR), Ricardo Picoli (USP), Cristiano Maciel (UFMT), Kamila Rodrigues (USP)
  34. Learning HCI from a Virtual Flipped Classroom: improving the students’ experience in times of COVID-19
    Suéllen Martinelli (UFSCar), Luciana Zaina (UFSCar)
  35. Long-Term User Experience in Software Crowdsourcing Platform
    Marcia Prante Assmann (Universidade de Passo Fundo), Alexandre Zanatta (Universidade de Passo Fundo), Ana Carolina Bertoletti De Marchi (Universidade de Passo Fundo)

  36. Making Design of Experiments (DOE) accessible for everyone: Prototype design and evaluation
    Fabiani de Souza (CPQD), Gabriela Vechini (UNICAMP), Graziella Bonadia (CPQD)
  37. Measuring Quantitative Situated User Experience with a Mobile Galvanic Skin Response Sensor
    Vagner Santana (IBM Research), Leandro Otani (IBM Research)
  38. Methodology based on Computer Vision and Machine Learning to guide the Design of Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems using Personalized Gestural Interaction
    Rúbia E. O. Schultz Ascari (UTFPR), Luciano Silva (UFPR), Roberto Pereira (UFPR)
  39. Mobile game-based learning with Opi: lessons learned with a children usability evaluation
    Ingrid Monteiro (UFC), Marcelo Brilhante (UECE), Jéssica Ávila (UFC), Francisco Oliveira (UECE), Ana de Oliveira (Dell – Brazil)
  40. New Touchless Modalities of Human-Computer Interaction in Hospitals: A Systematic Literature Review
    Vinícius Camargo (UEM), Renato Balancieri (UNESPAR), Heloise Manica Paris Teixeira (UEM), Guilherme Guerino (UEM)
  41. Omotenashi: A Study about Cultural Adaptation of an Intelligent Agent on Blip
    Marcia Murata (UFF), Mateus Monteiro (UFF), Luciana Salgado (UFF)
  42. Perspectives on interaction with dead users’ profiles on Facebook
    Daniele Trevisan (UFMT), Cristiano Maciel (UFMT), Vinicius Pereira (UFMT – Brazil), Roberto Pereira (UFPR)
  43. Posthumous data at stake – an Overview of Digital Immortality Issues
    Vinicius Galvão (UFMT), Cristiano Maciel (UFMT), Vinicius Pereira (UFMT), Ana Cristina Bicharra Garcia (UNIRIO), Roberto Pereira (UFPR), José Viterbo (UFF)
  44. Revisiting Empathy Games Concept from User Comments Perspective
    Caio Cesar Valério (UFMT), Tania Pinheiro (UFC), Cristiano Maciel (UFMT), Kamila Rodrigues (ICMC-USP), Eunice Nunes (UFMT)
  45. Smart Cane: Laser guide as an inclusion tool for the visually impaired
    Johnny Marcos (UFC), Camila Diogenes (UFC), Marcelo Martins da Silva (PUC-RJ), Letícia Saraiva Chaves (UFC), Andréia Libório (UFC), Wagner Al-Alam (UFC)
  46. The Windows 10’s Color Filter Feature as an Aid for Color Blind People in the Use of Websites
    Isa Maria de Paiva (UNIRIO), Sean Siqueira (UNIRIO), Simone Bacellar Leal Ferreira (UNIRIO)
  47. To Each Their Own (Type): A Systematic Mapping Study on Player’s Motivations, Behavior, and Personality Characteristics
    Nayana Carneiro (UFC), Kaian Sousa (UFC), Izac Sidarta (UFC), Georgia da Cruz Pereira (UFC), Glaudiney Moreira Mendonça Junior (UFC), Ticianne Darin (UFC)
  48. Towards Usability Heuristics for Interactive Web Maps
    Juliana Marquez (UNIFESP), Paulo Meirelles (UFABC), Tiago da Silva (UNIFESP)
  49. Using Deep Learning to Support the User Interface Design of Mobile Applications with App Inventor
    Daniel Baulé (UFSC), Christiane Gresse von Wangenheim (UFSC), Jean Hauck (UFSC), Aldo von Wangenheim (UFSC), Edson Cilos Vargas Junior (UFSC)
  50. Using Ontologies to aid Knowledge Sharing in HCI Design
    Murillo Castro (UFES), Monalessa Perini Barcellos (UFES), Simone Costa (UFES), Ricardo Falbo (UFES)
  51. VALERIE: A Guide to Qualitative Evaluation of Player Experience in Location-Based Games Using Interviews
    Nayana Carneiro (UFC), Windson Viana (UFC), Ticianne Darin (UFC)
  52. Voice and touch interaction: a user experience comparison of elderly people in smartphones
    Carla Tubin (Universidade de Passo Fundo), Ana Carolina Bertoletti De Marchi (Universidade de Passo Fundo), João Pedro Rodriguez (Universidade de Passo Fundo)
  53. “Was this helpful?” Analysis of satisfaction evaluation instruments in public service applications
    Patrick de Araújo (UFC), Rute Pereira (UFC), Georgia da Cruz Pereira (UFC), Ingrid Monteiro (UFC)
  54. We are not alone: AGNES, developing a prototype to support communication between schools and student transgender women
    Natã Raulino (UFC), Inga Saboia (UFC), Caio Eduardo Nunes (UFC), Gabriely de Lima (UFC), Lucas Soares (UFC)
  55. Wearable device in the form of glasses to assist the visually impaired in detecting obstacles
    Marcelo Martins da Silva (PUC-RJ), Letícia Saraiva Chaves (UFC), Carlos Ferreira (UFC), Camila Diogenes (UFC), Sávia Rafaella Fernandes (UFC), Ingrid Monteiro (UFC), Paulo Armando Cavalcante Aguilar (UFC), Andréia Libório (UFC)
  56. When just Ok, is not Ok – An Experimental Study through Sequential Chronological Cuts, with Prescriptive and Semantic Analyzes on the Dynamic Translation by VLibras Avatar
    André Silva (UNIRIO), Tatiane Militão de Sá (UFF), Ruan Diniz (PUC Campinas), Simone Bacellar Leal Ferreira (UNIRIO), Sean Siqueira (UNIRIO), Saulo Cabral Bourguignon (UFF)